July 27, 2024
Maria Hudkins (Lulu)
Deacon Victor Beltran
Robin Spencer
Jean Ward
Madeline Tannehill
Barbara Alber
Cynthia Neve
Bettina Blackburn:
The meeting started at 11:28 Barbara motioned for minutes approval, Madeline seconded approval, Lulu approved the minutes, questioning #3 on new business.
SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR: Deacon Victor stated with Thursday August 15 being Feast Day of The Assumption and our first day of the retreat. The team needed to attend mass before going to set up in Burnet as there would not be a priest until Friday. Father Alberto has spoken with Deacon Victor and stated he needs exact dates for the men’s weekend. Father Alberto has been at the Eucharistic Conference in Indianapolis. Father Alberto will keep the bishop informed and stay in contact with Ron Walker, not Deacon Victor. Deacon Victor stated that he felt bad but could not attend the National in New York this year. Ron Walker has sent out requests to deacons asking for someone to volunteer to help with Cursillo. No response was received. It almost looks like they need to assign a deacon to Cursillo, hopefully someone that would keep Cursillo a priority. Deacon Victor stated that he loves Cursillo but is not getting any younger. The deacon would need to attend a weekend, attend Ultreya, Spiritual workshop, SOL’S etc. Deacon Victor informed us that he will be committed at his parish due to his Priest leaving for his break and not returning until Valentines Day. He is hopeful that a priest will be able to help with weekend masses. Deacon Victor requests that in the future, team meetings be held at Holy Family in Copperas Cove. This location would be easier for him concerning travel.
LAY DIRECTOR CHAIRPERSON: Lulu spoke with Greg, and he stated he would step in as Lay Chairperson, when Lulu steps down. Lulu stated we need all the names of the applicants. Lulu and the secretariat were in discussion concerning new positions and voting. Not everyone agreed with the new by-laws statement on voting. Robin and Cynthia did not vote yes. Greg and Patricia Little were nominated and voted approved. The new positions will be official October 1, 2024, through Sept. 30th, 2027. Some changes will need to be made to the last page. After the changes we can sign our names to the by-laws. The center will be increasing their fees by $5. We will not increase the application cost for new applicants. Our next SOL will be August 10th. Our next secretariat will be August 24th following the SOL. Planning on having the next Secretariat on September 14, following the SOL. Madeline will join by phone.
The secretariat voted on having a potluck picnic on October 19th from 12-2 PM. It will be at Jarrell Memorial Park. Using flyers and having in church bulletins to get the word out to the Cursillo Community. Lulu also addressed Bettina and explained that we needed all the names she had for candidates that are planning on attending the upcoming women’s weekend.
TREASURER CHAIRPERSON: Barbara gave us each a June treasurer statement. Barbara voiced her concern if Greg did not take Lulu’s position, our movement would become dormant. Barbara expressed concern with our account at the bank if we became dormant. Robin said she would address these concerns with her friends at the bank.
PRE CURSILLO-CHAIRPERSON: Madeline asked about the planned grand Ultreya, should we call it an Ultreya or picnic. Robin explained if we call it an ultreya we would need to follow the ultreya format. The secretariat then voted to refer to it as a picnic. The secretariat voted on having It October 19th, 12-2PM at the Jarrell Memorial Park. Madeline will be making flyers for us to distribute. Madeline explained Gina is not able to go to Jarrell. Madeline brought us pictures of the pavilion and the park in Jarrell. She is planning on going to Jarrell at 6AM the morning of to reserve the space. Madeline had a discussion with the secretariat concerning the language in our bylaws. She explained the language was restrictive with the nomination -selections and voting. That is why she changed it to NLT in our bylaws. Patricia Little was nominated to replace Madeline as the Pre Cursillo-Chairperson. We voted on her and since Greg Ganslen was already nomited. We also voted on Greg to replace Lulu’s position as Lay director Chairperson. The nominations were both motioned and accepted by the majority of the secretariat. Madeline also addressed the growing of St. John Vianney Ultreyas. The San Antonio Ultreyas are held during weekdays. Thursdays they hold meetings via zoom. She suggested that members from neighboring towns, could attend their Ultreyas.
CURSILLO CHAIRPERSON; Cynthia shared concerns about the dates Greg and Steve had picked as possibilities. March 20-23, 2025, are the available weekend dates. We need to vote on the new date. The deposit given will still work. The center needs a release form (with the center’s rules) signed by everyone attending the weekend. The form can be at the registration/ sign in table. The center is increasing their costs by $5. Per person.
POST CURSILLO-CHAIRPERSON: Bettina stated the next Ultreya will be Sept. 8, at Holy Family. She will not be there. Bettina now has 10 applicants. Carmen sent her a candidate sponsored by Jonathan from Fort Cavazos. Lulu explained we need all the candidate’s names. Victoria from San Antonio has a name of a candidate that wants to attend our women’s weekend.
SOL CHAIRPERSON: Robin will be gone 28th Sept. Planning on having Secretariat on September 14, following the SOL. Robin joined in on conversation started by Madeline concerning the proposed grand Ultreya in October. Should we call it an Ultreya or a picnic.? Robin explained if we call it an Ultreya then we will need to use the Ultreya format including grouping. We then voted and will call it a potluck picnic.
VIII OLD BUSINESS: 1. Motion for Approval fo Amended June 14, 2024, English Cursillo Movement Diocese of Austin Bylaws with additional change to Article V2. 4: Attached was the updated Amended June 14, 2024 English Cursillo Movemennt Diocese of Austin Bylaws with the changes in Article V2. 4: I will have printed copies of the amended English Cursillo Movement Dioces of Austin BYLAWS for all members at the June 22, 2024 Secretariat meeting and the signature page for all Secretariat members to sign.
2. National Cursillo Encounter July 25-28 at Hofstsra University in Hempstead, New York.
3.June 1, 2024, St. John Vianney (SJV) Ultreya had a very good attendance
4.October 2024-Grand Ultreya: Jarrell Community Park. Gina Milburn Phipps and Madeline Tannehill will visit this park this summer for logistics of this Ultreya.
5. September 2024 meeting date change request to second week of September 14.
Discussion and voting of the nominees to fill the board members whose positions are coming to end of term.
Do we have enough committed applications of candidates to move forward with the August 15-18, #56 Women’s English Cursillo weekend at Eagles Wings in Burnet TX.
Men’s English Cursillo weekend originally set for September 19-22, needs to be rescheduled because of team structure issues. The only available dates for the men’s weekend were March 20-23. Cynthia spoke with Greg and Steve to see if they were good, and it was voted Yes via text.
SJV Ultreya September 14, 2024 Annie Kruger will be the witness speaker.
Fourth Day book will be our next study for SOL.
Deacon Victor -Closing prayer
Respectfully submitted by,
Secretary Jean Ward